Dark Deception: Monsters & Mortals是一款多人恐怖派对游戏,具有多种模式,玩家在其中扮演来自Dark Deception宇宙(和其他宇宙)的怪物或凡人,在噩梦般的迷宫中为灵魂碎片而战!

名称: Dark Deception: Monsters & Mortals
类型: 动作, 休闲, 独立
开发商: Glowstick Entertainment
发行商: Glowstick Entertainment
系列: Dark Deception, Glowstick Entertainment
发行日期: 2020 年 11 月 3 日

Dark Deception: Monsters & Mortals是一款多人恐怖游戏,玩家在其中扮演来自Dark Deception宇宙(和其他宇宙)的怪物和凡人,在噩梦般的迷宫中相互战斗。有些迷宫对《黑暗欺骗》的粉丝来说看起来很熟悉,但许多迷宫将是全新的!Monsters & Mortals 有多种游戏模式可以和你的朋友一起玩:

1. Maze Escape: (4 v 2) Four mortals must collect the required number of shards to summon the portal & escape, while two monsters seek to stop or kill them before the time expires.
1.迷宫逃生:(4 v 2)四名凡人必须收集所需数量的碎片才能召唤传送门并逃脱,而两个怪物则试图在时间到期之前阻止或杀死他们。

2. Shard Mayhem: Monsters only mode. 6 players compete against one another in a free for all to collect the most shards in the time limit provided. Shards spawn in waves and can be stolen from other players by attacking or killing them.
2. 碎片混乱:仅限怪物模式。6名玩家在免费的活动中相互竞争,在规定的时间内收集最多的碎片。碎片会一波又一波地生成,可以通过攻击或杀死其他玩家来偷走它们。

3. Soul Collection: 6 Mortals compete for shards in order to save their own soul. At the end of each shard wave, Malak will come for the player with the fewest shards and take their soul. They will become a monster and must hunt down the remaining mortal survivors. In the end, only one mortal will win the right to keep their soul.

Here are some of the key features of Monsters & Mortals:
以下是Monsters & Mortals的一些主要功能:

– Unique mazes inspired by & taken from the hit game, Dark Deception.
– 独特的迷宫,灵感来自热门游戏《黑暗欺骗》。
– Powerful ultimate abilities unique to each character.
– 每个角色都独有的强大终极能力。
– Turn the tables with trap & boss activations. Monsters & Mortals adds new never-before-seen bosses!
– 通过陷阱和老板激活来扭转局面。Monsters & Mortals 增加了前所未见的新 Boss!
– Collect item boxes to gain powers, health, trap items, status effects, and more!
– 收集物品箱以获得力量、生命值、陷阱物品、状态效果等等!
– Waves of shards to collect
– 一波又一波的碎片收集
– Level up to unlock new stat tiers and level rewards!
– 升级以解锁新的属性等级和等级奖励!
– Play as monsters or mortals depending on which game mode you play.
– 扮演怪物或凡人,具体取决于您玩的游戏模式。
– Unlock monster & mortal skins, art, new characters, and more in the Store!
– 在商店中解锁怪物和凡人皮肤、艺术、新角色等!
– Instant matchmaking makes playing a game quick & painless!
– 即时匹配使玩游戏变得快速而轻松!
– Invite your friends to private matches easily with our invite code system! Play with people you know!

需要 64 位处理器和操作系统
操作系统 *: Windows 7 64-bit, Windows 8.1, Windows 10
处理器: Intel Core i5-4330/AMD FX-6300
内存: 8 GB RAM
显卡: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 960 2GB/ AMD Radeon R7 370 2GB
DirectX 版本: 11
网络: 宽带互联网连接
存储空间: 需要 3 GB 可用空间
附注事项: 60fps low settings at 1080p

需要 64 位处理器和操作系统
操作系统 *: 64-bit Windows 7, Windows 8.1, or Windows 10
处理器: Intel Core i5-750, 2.67 GHzj / AMD Phenom II X4 945, 3.0GHz or better
内存: 16 GB RAM
显卡: Nvidia GeForce GTX 1060 3GB/ AMD Radeon RX 580 4GB
DirectX 版本: 11



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